- Install ROS in your Ubuntu SO Machine:
- Install Ubuntu in your RaspberryPi:
- Server image comes only in server mode, no desktop no GUI
- Add ubuntu-gnome
- Deactivate later for using it only trough xRDP
- Flash image:
- ubuntu-20.04.5-preinstalled-server-arm64+raspi.img.xz
- ROS-Ubuntu image for Raspberry (do not use ubiquity images, they come with other software, use the method in the previous point, this just for documentation):
- Flash image:
- Before first boot edit network-config with your wifi information:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVgMM_TFeOw
- Did not work, instead do this:
- Update package index:
- sudo apt update
- Upgrade all ubuntu packages:
- sudo apt upgrade
- Upgrade to Ubuntu Desktop (with GUI):
- Option1: https://vitux.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-desktop-from-ubuntu-server/
- Option2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzMzj5dROdo
Network configuration for VMWare Player:
Reload network configuration:
sudo nmcli networking off
sudo nmcli networking on
In my case:
| | raspberryros | ||
| | vmros |
Names in hosts file etc/hosts (in raspberrypi and vmware and jetsonnano):
raspberryPi -> raspberryros
VMWare -> vmros
Install net-tools:
sudo apt install net-tools