Following the link: Start ROS: roscore Install RPLidar: git clone cd ../catkin_ws catkin_make Running with: roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar.launch Tranforms: rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 world laser 100 View RPLidar data in rviz: rviz -> add LaserScan -> Topic: /scan Other commands Stop lidar: Start lidar: Links to other commands:…
Category: autonomus vehicles
Python: using RPLidar A1 on Windows
For Uasing RPlidar A1 right now the only Python library properly owrking is Adafrutir_CircuitPython_RPLIDAR. Please let me know fithere is any other one taht you have teste and is working. Python version must by 3.7 I personally prefer working with conda. So from my conda enviromenent with python just run: pip install Adafruit_CircuitPython_RPLIDAR Example for…
Kalman Filter (1 of 5)
Our Kalman filter will be a real work over autonomous vehicles The motion model: The motion model calculates the correspondign output according to the movement equations as in any Physics course. In this case we have linear and angular velocity. First derivative: $$- d cos(theta_{k}) – x_{k} + x_{l}$$ The mode is as: When (a…