Install SLAM Install SLAM ToolBox: Copy configuration files in our catkin_ws folder: Save your map: Open you map: Convert the Map into png Format To convert the map to a png image file, you can use imagemagick.
Category: Robotics
ROS: add msg and tf graphs for debugging
Messages graphs: Show the messages graph: TF graphs: Install: Run the view tf2: Run in tf: In case of error “cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object”: Then modify the code in the VIM edit that opens To view the dpf: Check is a Tf is being published: TFs for a SLAM two…
ROS: use TurtleBot3 robot simulator
Clone TurtleBot3 msgs: Clone TurtleBot3 repo: Set Turtlebot model: export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger Add TurtleBot3 gazebo for simulation without a real robot:
ROS: Adding RPLIDAR (3 of …)
Following the link: Start ROS: roscore Install RPLidar: git clone cd ../catkin_ws catkin_make Running with: roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar.launch Tranforms: rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 world laser 100 View RPLidar data in rviz: rviz -> add LaserScan -> Topic: /scan Other commands Stop lidar: Start lidar: Links to other commands:…